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This is an appeal of a district court order denying intervention of non-parties to join the case and the district court’s final judgment order and permanent injunction.

In the original case, the States of Missouri and Texas challenged the Biden Administration’s cessation of border wall construction, alleging that it violated the Constitution and budgetary statutes and did not go through required procedures. Soon after Judge Tipton entered a preliminary injunction for the plaintiff states, five sets of non-parties filed five different motions to intervene in the litigation (as defendants) so that they could seek an order from Judge Tipton that the injunction does not prohibit the federal government from spending the appropriated money in specific ways. 

On May 29 2024, in addition to entering a final judgment for plaintiffs and a permanent injunction, Judge Tipton denied all five motions for intervention. Four out of the five sets of proposed defendant-intervenors appealed Judge Tipton’s decision denying intervention and final judgment order and permanent injunction to the Fifth Circuit. 

Appellants’ opening briefs on appeal are due on October 7, 2024.

Technical Summary

Missouri and Texas’s complaint alleged violations of (1) the constitutional separation of powers; (2) the Take Care Clause (which requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”); (3) the Impound Control Act of 1974; (4) the APA’s prohibition of arbitrary and capricious agency action; and (5) budgetary statutes. 


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  • 06/28/2024
    Appeal docketed
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